
Bensalem PA Shoot
One reason why the production team have managed to remain so low key whilst filming in Bucks County is because they've been filming many scenes inside a warehouse in Bensalem. It's been transformed into a mini-Hollywood studio, complete with motorhome dressing rooms, a front office and large props in the background. We have a few photos from the Bensalem location.
Buckingham PA Shoot
Photos from the Buckingham Township shoot on Byecroft Rd and Upper Mountain Rd where they were filming more driving scene, there seems to be a heck of a lot of driving in this movie! One photo we don't have is of Gibson's arrival in a SUV, apparently he was sound asleep in the pasenger seat with his mouth hanging open, bless!
Morrisville PA Shoot
Photos of the Morrisville PA shoot at Burns Pharmacy. Hundreds of fans turned up to get a glimpse of the action. Joaquin Phoenix kept a low profile being spotted slipping out of a trailer and into a black van at one point. Gibson played to the crowd again, throwing sweets out to them and spending some time speaking to them, at one point through a cardboard tube! He spoke to one little girl in the crowd asking her name, but refused to give her an autograph "because it wasn't fair to everyone in the crowd" he said.
Newtown PA Shoot
This section includes photos from the two day shoot in Newtown PA. Before the shoot took place set dressers had to transform parts of Newtown. Mom's Bake-at-Home Pizza became "The Two Aldo's Pizzeria", the old billiard hall at 201 S. State St, which is currently vacant, was converted into an army recruiting station and new street furniture was added, such as parking meters, signs and road markings.
Newtown PA (Before Shoot)
In mid October 2001 the main shoot moved over from Doylestown to several locations is Newtown PA including the Newtown Book and Record Exchange (pictured here), Mom's Bake-at-Home Pizza (pictured here), Newtown Hardware (pictured right, larger version here), The Brew Pub and the American Billiards store. Above photo courtesy Rick Fletcher.
Doylestown PA Shoot
Pictured right is the main "Signs" set. In early September 2001 set builders erected an entire farmhouse (pictured right, larger version here) and barn in the middle of the one hundred acres of corn fields leased to the production by Delaware Valley College in Doylestown. This is where the farmer and his family live and where the crop circles start to appear. The set was dismantled at the beginning of October. More photos of the farmhouse can be viewed here.
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