
Trailer talk: John Lundberg takes a closer look at the crop circles depicted in the teaser trailer.
Local Radio Station tries to prank the set: During the shoot in Newtown PA the Y100 Morning Radio Show (100.3 out of Philadelphia) tried to prank their way onto the set. Read Raphaela's (from MrJoaquin.com) report about it.
A-maize-ing crop circles?: John Lundberg asks why the crop circles in "Signs" are appearing in maize, as apposed to wheat or barley as they traditionally do here in the UK, did location manager Andrew Ullman screw up?
Joaquin Spotting: Seekers such as Leigh who runs a forum dedicated to Joaquin Phoenix have been on the trail of the production since it kicked off back in mid September. Read Leigh's account of her first attempt at Joaquin spotting!
How's this for 'Signs': Steve Wartenberg from Bucks County local newspaper "The Intelligencer" invited his readers to write their very own version of "Signs" and this is the result!
India West article: Lisa Tsering wrote this article "Shyamalan Tackles the Crop Circle Phenomenon in Signs" for indiawest.com.
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