
 "My biggest fear in life is to be average." M Night Shyamalan
Welcome to signsmovie.co.uk, now with over 60 pages of information about the movie! This site has been set up by circlemakers.org - the home of England's crop circle makers - in order to document the development of M Night Shyamalan's next movie Signs, which is based on the crop circle phenomenon and stars Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix. Shyamalan wrote and directed The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable which together grossed approx one billion dollars at box offices worldwide. Photo: Farmhouse set at main shoot location, Doylestown, Pennsylvania.
This site started life as a single page on the circlemakers.org website back in May 2001 when the movie was first announced. Due to our interest in the project and the amount of visitors the page was generating we decided to put together this site dedicated to the movie. Photo: circlemakers.org where this site started.
Please Note, this is an unofficial site and is in no way affiliated with M Night Shyamalan, his production company Blinding Edge Pictures or the movie's distributors, Touchstone Pictures, Buena Vista Entertainment and Walt Disney Pictures. The official Signs website, is located at signs.movies.com
top | about site | about movie | news | further info | contact us | forum © John Lundberg / SignsMovie.co.uk 2001