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Site Update Sept 04 02: Get a free Signs logo for your mobile!
With the UK release of the movie fast approaching, Signs seem to be cropping up in the strangest of places: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Check out the official UK website.
The movies US box office gross is set to top $200million this week!!!
Site Update Aug 13 02: There are great new remixes of the soundtrack by Morcheeba and Tricky over at the official site.
Site Update Aug 12 02: We've heard from Kel our man on the ground over at Doylestown, PA which is where the main Farmhouse set for the movie was located. So what does the location look like nearly a year after they began filming? Pictured right are Kel's before and after shots of the field where the Farmhouse stood, all that remains is a solitary tree from the front yard surrounded by corn!
The movie has now grossed a whopping $118.3 million during its first 10 days at the US box office which is already way past the $95 million total gross for Shyamalan's last film "Unbreakable" which was released back in 2000.
Check out the German official movie website!
Site Update Aug 09 02: Not able to afford the official props being sold off by Disney (see below)? How about this then, one of the enterprising locals from Bucks County where the film was shot managed to sneak onto the main set and bag some of the corn used in the crop circles! It's now being sold off over on ebay.com, the auction ends 13th Aug.
The official UK release date is now fast approaching and the press over here are beginning to run stories about the movie. Recent coverage that I've spotted has included the Guardian newspaper, BBC news, the Express newspaper, BBC radio Leeds and FHM magazine.
There's a new poster campaign over here in the UK as well, prominently featuring Mel Gibson amongst the corn stalks. It also has a new strap line "The moment of truth has arrived". (Pictured right, click for a larger version).
The movie is still at the top of the US chart and as of Weds 8th Aug has grossed a staggering $82.5 million in the US alone since its launch last Friday 2nd Aug!
Site Update Aug 06 02: I've added a new page of notes made about the movie after viewing it at the UK press screening here in London last night. I'd advise you to read it only if you've seen the movie as it contains potential spoilers. For those who haven't seen it yet but want to know what I thought of the movie, I loved it, Shyamalan has create a beautifully crafted believable work of fiction that stays with you.
It's amazing what you can find on the internet if you know where to look. The movie hasn't even opened in many countries yet, so there's no way you'll be able to get your hands on a DVD of the movies until at least next year, right? So what are these then?
Just back from the first UK press screening of the movie which was held at the Odeon West End cinema in London's Leicester Square. There wasn't an empty seat in the place, which must have seated several hundred journalists. The excitement and anticipation was tangible, with everyone in and seated way before the projector rolled. The movie went over very well, laughter and shrieks in all the right places and - unheard of at press screenings - spontaneous applause as the end credits rolled!
Site Update Aug 05 02: As predicted the movie grossed over $60 million across the US during its first three days at the box office, sending it straight to the number one chart position.
It's the 12th highest opening of all time and the best opening for both the director Shyamalan and the star Mel Gibson. It's also the second largest August opening in history! Disney executives were expecting an opening weekend of $30 - $35 million, so they must be over the moon!
We're off to the first press preview screening of the movie in the UK tonight.
Fancy getting your hands on some of the costumes and props used in the movie? You can bid on numerous items from the film including the baby monitors used by Rory Culkin (Morgan Hess) - pictured above right - over at ebay.com.
Site Update Aug 04 02: The release version of the film has an extra scene added at the end that was missing from the version show at the early preview screenings! Lee Tistaert from leesmovieinfo.net who has seen both versions of the films said "I liked Signs more the second time... part of it was due to an added scene at the conclusion which wasn't attached when I originally saw it... it added much needed substance to the resolution." Read Lee's recent articles on the movie: Crowd Report, Event Picture.
The movie opened in 3264 cinemas across the US on Friday 2nd August and grossed a whopping $20.7 million, sending it straight to the top of the US box office chart! The movie is predicted to make a staggering $60 million during its first weekend.
You can view an interview with Night Shyamalan over at the TechTV.com webiste.
Site Update Aug 03 02: Director M. Night Shyamalan will participate in a live audio chat on Monday Aug. 5 at 4pm ET. You'll be able to ask him questions during the chat. It's being hosted by Yahoo.
Site Update Aug 02 02: Well this site has been online since May 2001 and - assuming you're in the US and not in the UK like us - the day you've all been waiting for has finally arrived, Signs is now screening across America! Thanks to leesmovieinfo.com we're now able to track how the movie is doing at the box office, check out the new "box office" page!
Site Update Aug 01 02: Apparently the production budget for the movie was $62 million. Listen to Ebert and Robers glowing review of the movie.
The media splurge has well and truly begun. Seems that just about everyone is running a story about or related to the movie. Here are just a few that we've seen today: abcnews, cnn, foxnews, msnbc, latimes, nypost, cbsnews, dailypress, scifi, canada.com.
One of the stand out reviews that I've read to date was by Harry Knowles, the founder of aintitcool.com.
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