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Site Update Oct 02 01: Thanks to Gary for the following info. Frank Marshall (pictured right) who is one of the producers working on "Signs" will be speaking with students of Delaware Valley College on Wednesday October 3rd at 7:00 in the James Work Gymnasium. Marshall will speak about his experiences in the film business and will answer some questions from the audience. They will be excepting donations for the September 11th fund.
We're told that The First National Bank in Newtown has announced that the branch office located on Newtown-Yardely Road will have extended hours due to filming that will take place on Oct 9th - 10th.
Do you want to be an extra in Signs? Well, if you can speak fluent Portuguese and you're a member of the Screen Actors Guild you might be in with a chance! Mike Lemon who is casting the movie told us "we are looking for adults and children any age who speak fluent Portuguese for extra work". If this sounds like you, mail a current photo with vital statistics and contact information to:
Attn: SIGNS, Mike Lemon Casting, 413 North 7th Street, Suite 602, Philadelphia, PA 19123
Good luck, and let us know if you get a part!
Site Update Oct 01 01: We've received word of another shooting locations in Bucks County for the movie. The production will be moving to Morrisville PA in mid October to shoot scenes in Burns Pharmacy on North Pennsylvania Avenue. "They were looking for a small pharmacy, a free-standing building not in a commercial shopping center" said Robert Schreiber who owns the pharmacy and was contacted by one of the movies producers. Locations will now cover five municipalities in Bucks County, including Bensalem, Newtown, Buckingham, Morrisville, and Doylestown.
The crew will be shooting several scenes at the Newtown Book and Record Exchange (more info here) in Newtown Borough between October 3rd and October 5th.
The production company recently placed an ad in a local paper announcing that they were looking to rent three mansion-type homes in the Upper Makefield-Solebury Township area for three months at $8,000 per month.
Police in the five Bucks municipalities selected for filming have been asked repeatedly to help with crowd control to hold back admiring - "Mel we love you!" - fans who show up during filming!
Talking of Mel fans, one who's located in Bucks County sent the following through to melgibsoncentral.com recently: "Forget the college campus. Security is extremely tight - even the roads are blocked for more than a mile away when they are filming. Regular people have no chance of getting close. They will supposedly shoot some "in-town" scenes using a main street in Newtown (the next town over). I'll probably have a better chance there, IF I can find out when that will take place. I have a friend who lives there and she's been keeping her ears and eyes open for me, so hopefully I'll still get to see something. Only one Mel sighting that I've heard of.....there was a memorial mass recently at The Cathedral in Philadelphia for victims of the terrorist attacks and their families. A co-worker's friend was standing in the back (the church was full) when someone arrived and stood next to her. She turned to see Mel! Needless to say she was speechless, but she managed to whisper, 'Aren't you...?' He raised his finger to his lips (shhhh) and she happily obliged. What a lucky woman!"
Site Update Sept 25 01: Initial reports indicated that the movie would be released next Fall/Winter around November, but we've now heard that the revised release date will be in the Summer of 2002 probably around August. This makes more sense to us as it means the marketing campaign will coincide with the 2002 crop circle season here in the UK and the US and the release of the movie will coincide with the traditional climax of the season in August. I'm sure Disney executives were rubbing their hands with glee this year as media interest in the crop circle phenomenon rocketed due to the spectacular formation that appeared here in the UK at Milk Hill in Wiltshire (detail pictured right). Find out more about the spectacular Milk Hill formation at our sister site circlemakers.org.
Patricia Kalember (pictured right) has joined the cast of Signs. Previous TV appearances include "Thirtysomething" and "Sisters" and movies include "Jacobs Ladder", "Fletch Lives" and Stephen King's "Cat's Eye".
Site Update Sept 23 01: We've added a new 'articles' section to the site. We kick off with "A-maize-ing crop circles?" an article asking why the crop circles in "Signs" are appearing in maize, as apposed to wheat or barley as they traditionally do here in the UK, did location manager Andrew Ullman screw up?
Update Sept 23 01: Here's a bit of light relief whilst were waiting for the next trickle of information about the movie. Steve Wartenberg from Bucks County local newspaper "The Intelligencer" invited his readers to write their very own version of "Signs" here's the result!
Update Sept 19 01: Well thanks to Paula - one of our contacts out in Bucks County - we've finally managed to get hold of a photo of the main shoot location. Set builders erected an entire farmhouse (pictured right, larger version here) and barn in the middle of the 100 acres of corn fields leased to the production by Delaware Valley College. Doylestown police have the area blocked off and the production company also have their very own army of uniformed security guards. So if you were thinking of going to take a look "there's no use even trying" according to local police chief Stephen White who goes on to say "people shouldn't embarrass the area by trying, there are several layers of security, you can't get through".
Two extras on the movie gained their places when M Night Shyamalan offered the roles to the highest bidder at a fund-raising auction held at the Montessori school where his daughter attends, how much did they pay, $14,000!
The role of Gibson's 4 year old daughter will be played by newcomer Abby Breslin (pictured right) from California. She is the sister of Spencer Breslin who starred
along with Bruce Willis in the Disney movie "The Kid". Thanks to Speedracer for the info.
Update Sept 18 01: It's like getting blood from a stone, but information is trickling out about the production. Latest is that Gibson was at Langhorne Presbyterian Church last Wednesday shooting still photos for the movie. They were on site for 45 minutes and took various photographs of Gibson dressed as a priest (!) in and around the church. The photos will be used as backdrops in the movie. Rachel Suchowieski, the secretary who arranged the visit said "That means we'll have to take our binoculars in the movie to see them".
Update Sept 16 01: Thanks to Speedracer for the following information. The roles of Mel Gibson's children have been cast, the boy is 12 year old Rory Culkin (pictured right) younger brother of Macaulay, all we know about the girl is she's from California. Speedracer also told us "My daughter tried out for the role, had a call back but then no luck... The auditions/interviews were narrowed
down to only 5 girls and we had to meet at an unusual place, not at a casting agency. While I was not asked to sign anything I imagine they would not want me to post any of that info here so I won't."
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